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I Used to Play Flute

I Used to Play Flute

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I Used to Play Flute - An Innovative Method for Adults Returning to Play

George Poulton, Samuel Ward, English Folk Song, Lyra Davidica, Traditional, Scottish Folk Song, Erik Satie, Johann Sebastian Bach, Bob Dylan, Irish Folk Song, Georges Bizet, Spiritual, Ed Bagley, John Philip Sousa, Patrick Gilmore, Jacques Offenbach, F. Meacham

If you ever played the flute before, you know what a joy it is to participate actively in makingmusic. That is exactly what this book is about. I have designed the book to include a wide varietyof songs in many different styles, with the main idea being to have fun making music. Additionally,I Used To Play Flute contains many exercises for the adult musician to re-learn skills that mayhave been learned many years ago. It begins with a review of important aspects of music theoryand notation, followed by warm-ups, scales and exercises that re-introduce you to playing theinstrument and that help you build your “chops” back up. The techniques covered are basic toplaying the music included in this volume. The pieces in the book cover a broad range of stylesand are generally familiar to most people who have been involved in listening to music throughthe years. I also hope that the songs in this book will rekindle some fond old memories of playingyour instrument and reignite your desire to play music again, just for the fun of it.Practice the long tones and daily warm-ups on pp. 7–9 a little bit every day to build the staminanecessary to perform the music. Work on one of the scales and some of the technical exerciseson pp. 10–17 a little each day as well. Then turn to one of the pieces you would like to play andtry reading it. Take it slowly at first; don’t get frustrated if it doesn’t come easily. It will taketime to relearn and to retrain the muscles to do what you once did. You should also listen to thepieces and play along with the track that is played by a flute and piano and, in some cases, otheraccompaniment instruments. This will provide you with a model for getting your tone back. Whenyou become sure of yourself, you can try playing with the accompaniment track without themelody.I Used To Play Flute is not a beginner’s book. If you are new to playing an instrument, I suggestthat you obtain a beginner’s book and a teacher. After you have mastered the basics, you can thencome back to the material in this book.Remember to take it slowly, have fun and enjoy making music!

Publisher: Carl Fischer Music

Instrumentation: Flute

Pages: 48

UPC: 798408072773

ISBN: 9780825872778

Item No: WF89

Prices and product availability are subject to change without notice. 072624
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