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Student's Essential Studies for Trumpet

Student's Essential Studies for Trumpet

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Student's Essential Studies for Trumpet - A Sequential Collection of 42 Standard Etudes for the Advancing Student

Giuseppe Concone, Marco Bordogni, Narcisse Bousquet, J.L. Small, Sigmund Hering, Vassily Brandt, Jean-Baptiste Arban

This diverse collection of 42 etudes for the advancing trumpetstudent contains the most essential studies that provide challengesand repertoire to help develop tone, technical facility, range,flexibility, articulation, and above all—musical concepts.The studies chosen are from the core of trumpet pedagogy–Arban,Brandt, Hering, and Bordogni, among others–and have withstoodthe test of time helping musicians grow for many generations. Theyhave been carefully selected, edited, and arranged in a pedagogicalsequence by Christopher Moore. Also included is a helpful sectionon how to practice and properly prepare each etude. This collectionis a welcome addition to the trumpet repertoire for players wantingto improve their skills.

Publisher: Carl Fischer Music

Instrumentation: Trumpet

Pages: 64

UPC: 798408096755

ISBN: 9780825896750

Item No: WF158

Prices and product availability are subject to change without notice. 072624
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