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Foundation Studies for the Violoncello, Book 1

Foundation Studies for the Violoncello, Book 1

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Foundation Studies for the Violoncello, Book 1 - 60 Studies (from Opp. 45, 54, 74)

Franz Wohlfahrt

Wohlfahrt’s Foundation Studies have long been successful tools forviolinists and violists in mastering the technical difficulties of theirinstruments. Originally conceived for a complete comprehension offirst position on the violin and viola, Richard Hughey presents thisnew edition for cello students. Transcribing these etudes for the cellopresents new challenges for the performer. Particular passages, forexample, require the student to make use of the second and eventhird positions. The fingerings chosen for these passages reflectthese shifting positions in a coherent and logical way. Trainedcomprehensively in both cello and conducting, Hughey shares hiswealth of experience and knowledge in Wohlfahrt’s FoundationStudies for the Violoncello.

Publisher: Carl Fischer Music

Instrumentation: Violoncello

Pages: 56

UPC: 680160910915

ISBN: 9781491153413

Item No: BF128

Prices and product availability are subject to change without notice. 072624
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