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Sonata (Set of Score and Parts)

Sonata (Set of Score and Parts)

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Sonata - For Two Clarinets and Piano

Gary Schocker

GARY SCHOCKERFlutist-composer-pianist Gary Schocker is an accomplished musician of outstanding versatility. As a flutist,Mr. Schocker has performed with many of the world’s great orchestras including performances with theNew York Philharmonic and the Philadelphia Orchestra (while still in his teens), I Solisti Italiani, theDallas Symphony, and the New Jersey Symphony. He has performed in recital throughout the UnitedStates, Australia, New Zealand, Colombia, Panama, Taiwan, Germany, France, and Canada. He is oftenheard in concert with guitarist Jason Vieaux. Schocker teaches many students who travel to his homebase of New York City as well as in master classes throughout the world.In addition to being the most published living composer for flute, Gary Schocker has composed sonatas andchamber music for most instruments of the orchestra. He has also written several musicals and children’smusicals, including FAR FROM THE MADDING CROWD and THE AWAKENING, which can be heard onOriginal Cast Recordings. Far From The Madding Crowd was given its debut in Christchurch, NewZealand in 2000. In fall 2004 the show received its first fully-staged professional production at the 47thStreet Theatre in New York City, as part of the first New York Musical Theater Festival. Schocker has wonthe International Clarinet Association’s annual composition competition twice and the National FluteAssociation’s annual Newly Published Music Award numerous times. Sir James Galway premiered histhree-movement concerto GREEN PLACES at Ireland’s Adair Festival and has also performed the workwith the New Jersey Symphony. Mr. Galway performed Schocker’s MUSIQUE FRANÇAISE on his U.S.tour in 2002.Gary Schocker can be heard in his debut recording, REGRETS AND RESOLUTIONS, on JonathanDigital, and on 4 highly-acclaimed CDs on the Chesky label. The 1998 Jonathan Digital recording titledAIRBORNE features his own works for flute with piano and harp. DREAMTRAVELS, on the Azica label,presents Schocker in duo with guitarist Jason Vieaux. ARIOSO, on Azica, is all baroque music featuringSchocker’s realizations of sonatas by Bach, LeClair, and Vivaldi. FOR DAD, also an Azica release, featuresoriginal works as well as standard repertoire by Poulenc, Hindemith, Faure, and Caplet, with pianistHugh Sung. Gary Schocker’s concert music may also be heard on the Koch, Troy, Sazas, Gionata, SNE,Paulinas Comep, Fleur de Son, and Innova labels, as well as the all-solo FLUTE FOREST Azica CD.

Publisher: Theodore Presser Company

Duration: 13:00

Instrumentation: Piano, Clarinet 1, Clarinet 2

Pages: 36+8+8

Format: Set of Score and Parts

UPC: 680160013272

ISBN: 9781598066128

Item No: 114-40874

Prices and product availability are subject to change without notice. 072624
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